Oh, the Winds of God are blowing
So keep your sails unfurled
And the Winds of God will take you
To safe harbors of the World.
Forever they’re in motion
To take you where they will
Forever full of power
If there are sails to fill.
So take the helm, be master
Unfurling sails your part
And the Winds of God will take you
To safe harbors of
your heart.
~Nellie Lincoln, 1901~
As you might have imagined, I have now settled in Oradea. Don't think for a minute that because it has literally been half a year since I last posted anything that God hasn't been moving. So much has happened, I must have 15 or more unfinished writings, but finishing them would prove frivolous now because much more has developed in every situation. Even still, I will try to catch you up.
Fall in Săbolciu |
Summer here was much hotter than I anticipated. So hot and sticky, nothing I was used to in San Diego. Then huge thunderstorms thought they should join in the summer fun. One minute would be deeply hot and sunny, then the air would swirl around you as lightning lit the sky and water drops began to dance on your exposed skin. Not soon after, summer began to fade into fall, with a clearer skies and crisp winds. The leaves here were gorgeous, so many colors ruling the sky then wafting in the winds of change down to carpet everywhere your foot trod.
Then came winter, with a fresh, yet short kiss of snow. Before coming here I had heard that last winter, in 2011, was the worst winter in Oradea for 40 years. Given that, I expected to be frozen and dead by Christmas, but perhaps God was just watching over this SoCal girl.
Lidia and I in the village; first snowfall |
Ministry in Săbolciu has resembled the changing seasons and the specific weather they has each brought in turn. Summer was a happy and oblivious time for me. I was going to the village and playing with the kids, doing whatever I could to shine love, yet blissfully unaware to the darkness that reigns there. I look back remembering all the ideas that were misguided due to my lack of experience here. Now, I can see more, and God is constantly uncovering the veil of the village and revealing the hearts of people there. Some days many people will gather together for church, and some days only one lady and a bunch of kids will be there. One can never know what exactly to expect before stepping foot inside and witnessing what god has planned for the day. Of the adults, mainly women come and participate on Sundays and during the week for Bible Study. I have taught myself a few Romanian worship songs, now I weekly gather a group of teenage girls together to teach them about worship and God. Also, my team has been holding a young mens' group to help inspire them towards Christ before the bad lifestyles have taken root. Some of my team still bring friends as translators throughout the week. But for the most part, we can communicate. I may not be able to say everything I can in English about God, but I know that my românește skills are growing. God still works and communicates through love, relationship, and heart, not being held back by communication differences.
Thank you for all your prayer and support! Next update will be about life here in Oradea, please comment any questions you may have, or something you want me to write about so that I have more ideas. Te iubesc!
I want to hear about... the relationships you've made that are developing, specifics about your group of teenage girls, what living with the team is like, what God is teaching you through this experience, your favorite thing about Romania, how we can pray for you specifically. Thank you for updating, it's good to hear from you! God has amazing plans for Romania, how wonderful to be a part of them. God bless!